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Please take into account that not all contact persons of the self-help groups are capable of speaking English. 
The information on this groups is provided by the self-help groups and is therefore not necessarily available in English.
If you are looking for a self-help group, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.

Get in contact

About the group

This self-help group has not yet provided any further information about itself. Contact the group directly or write an e-mail to the self-help office in Karlsruhe for more information.

Are you the organizer of the group? Loggen Sie sich ein, um einen Text über Ihre Gruppe einzufügen.


Huntington-Hilfe Gruppe Karlsruhe u. Landkreis

Wilma Gremmelmaier und Hannelore Ulrich Deutsche Huntingtonhilfe e.V., Geschäfts- u. Beratungsstelle Duisburg  07244946861  wilma@uffmugg.de

76139 Karlsruhe, Schäferstr. 15 Laurentiuscafe 14:30 Uhr bis ca. 17 Uhr


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