Kurzfristige Wartungsarbeiten von 21:30 Uhr bis ca. 23:00 Uhr. In dieser Zeit ist die Website vorübergehend nicht erreichbar.
Translation missing
Please take into account that not all contact persons of the self-help groups are capable of speaking English.
The information on this groups is provided by the self-help groups and is therefore not necessarily available in English.
If you are looking for a self-help group, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.
About the group
This self-help group has not yet provided any further information about itself. Contact the group directly or write an e-mail to the self-help office in Karlsruhe for more information.
Are you the organizer of the group? Loggen Sie sich ein, um einen Text über Ihre Gruppe einzufügen.
Selbsthilfegruppe "Suchtmittelfreies Leben II" in Philippsburg
www.bw-lv.de 07251 9323840 fs-bruchsal@bw-lv.de
Vereinsheim der Freien Narrenzunft "Die Geesen", Güterhallenstr. 2, 76661 Philippsburg
14tägig Donnerstags ungerade Kalenderwochen
19.00 Uhr